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Depth buffers done quick, part 1

February 11, 2013

This post is part of a series – go here for the index.

Welcome back to yet another post on my series about Intel’s Software Occlusion Culling demo. The past few posts were about triangle rasterization in general; at the end of the previous post, we saw how the techniques we’ve been discussing are actually implemented in the code. This time, we’re going to make it run faster – no further delays.

Step 0: Repeatable test setup

But before we change anything, let’s first set up repeatable testing conditions. What I’ve been doing for the previous profiles is start the program from VTune with sample collection paused, manually resume collection once loading is done, then manually exit the demo after about 20 seconds without moving the camera from the starting position.

That was good enough while we were basically just looking for unexpected hot spots that we could speed up massively with relatively little effort. For this round of changes, we expect less drastic differences between variants, so I added code that performs a repeatable testing protocol:

  1. Load the scene as before.
  2. Render 60 frames without measuring performance to allow everything to settle a bit. Graphics drivers tend to perform some initialization work (such as driver-side shader compilation) lazily, so the first few frames with any given data set tend to be spiky.
  3. Tell the profiler to start collecting samples.
  4. Render 600 frames.
  5. Tell the profile to stop collecting samples.
  6. Exit the program.

The sample already times how much time is spent in rendering the depth buffer and in the occlusion culling (which is another rasterizer that Z-tests a bounding box against the depth buffer prepared in the first step). I also log these measurements and print out some summary statistics at the end of the run. For both the rendering time and the occlusion test time, I print out the minimum, 25th percentile, median, 75th percentile and maximum of all observed values, together with the mean and standard deviation. This should give us a good idea of how these values are distributed. Here’s a first run:

Render time:
  min=3.400ms  25th=3.442ms  med=3.459ms  75th=3.473ms  max=3.545ms
  mean=3.459ms sdev=0.024ms
Test time:
  min=1.653ms  25th=1.875ms  med=1.964ms  75th=2.036ms  max=2.220ms
  mean=1.957ms sdev=0.108ms

and here’s a second run on the same code (and needless to say, the same machine) to test how repeatable these results are:

Render time:
  min=3.367ms  25th=3.420ms  med=3.432ms  75th=3.445ms  max=3.512ms
  mean=3.433ms sdev=0.021ms
Test time:
  min=1.586ms  25th=1.870ms  med=1.958ms  75th=2.025ms  max=2.211ms
  mean=1.941ms sdev=0.119ms

As you can see, the two runs are within about 1% of each other for all the measurements – good enough for our purposes, at least right now. Also, the distribution appears to be reasonably smooth, with the caveat that the depth testing times tend to be fairly noisy. I’ll give you the updated timings after every significant change so we can see how the speed evolves over time. And by the way, just to make that clear, this business of taking a few hundred samples and eyeballing the order statistics is most definitely not a statistically sound methodology. It happens to work out in our case because we have a nice repeatable test and will only be interested in fairly strong effects. But you need to be careful about how you measure and compare performance results in more general settings. That’s a topic for another time, though.

Now, to make it a bit more readable as I add more observations, I’ll present the results in a table as follows: (this is the render time)

Version min 25th med 75th max mean sdev
Initial 3.367 3.420 3.432 3.445 3.512 3.433 0.021

I won’t bother with the test time here (even though the initial version of this post did) because the code doesn’t get changed; it’s all noise.

Step 1: Get rid of special cases

Now, if you followed the links to the code I posted last time, you might’ve noticed that the code checks the variable gVisualizeDepthBuffer multiple times, even in the inner loop. An example is this passage that loads the current depth buffer values at the target location:

__m128 previousDepthValue;
    previousDepthValue = _mm_set_ps(pDepthBuffer[idx],
        pDepthBuffer[idx + 1],
        pDepthBuffer[idx + SCREENW],
        pDepthBuffer[idx + SCREENW + 1]);
    previousDepthValue = *(__m128*)&pDepthBuffer[idx];

I briefly mentioned this last time: this rasterizer processes blocks of 2×2 pixels at a time. If depth buffer visualization is on, the depth buffer is stored in the usual row-major layout normally used for 2D arrays in C/C++: In memory, we first have all pixels for the (topmost) row 0 (left to right), then all pixels for row 1, and so forth for the whole size of the image. If you draw a diagram of how the pixels are laid out in memory, it looks like this:

8x8 pixels in raster-scan order

8×8 pixels in raster-scan order

This is also the format that graphics APIs typically expect you to pass textures in. But if you’re writing pixels blocks of 2×2 at a time, that means you always need to split your reads (and writes) into two accesses to the two affected rows – annoying. By contrast, if depth buffer visualization is off, the code uses a tiled layout that looks more like this:

8x8 pixels in a 2x2 tiled layout

8×8 pixels in a 2×2 tiled layout

This layout doesn’t break up the 2×2 groups of pixels; in effect, instead of a 2D array of pixels, we now have a 2D array of 2×2 pixel blocks. This is a so-called “tiled” layout; I’ve written about this before if you’re not familiar with the concept. Tiled layouts makes access much easier and faster provided that our 2×2 blocks are always at properly aligned positions – we would still need to access multiple locations if we wanted to read our 2×2 pixels from, say, an odd instead of an even row. The rasterizer code always keeps the 2×2 blocks aligned to even x and y coordinates to make sure depth buffer accesses can be done quickly.

The tiled layout provides better performance, so it’s the one we want to use in general. So instead of switching to linear layout when the user wants to see the depth buffer, I changed the code to always store the depth buffer tiled, and then perform the depth buffer visualization using a custom pixel shader that knows how to read the pixels in tiled format. It took me a bit of time to figure out how to do this within the app framework, but it really wasn’t hard. Once that’s done, there’s no need to keep the linear storage code around, and a bunch of special cases just disappear. Caveat: The updated code assumes that the depth buffer is always stored in tiled format; this is true for the SSE versions of the rasterizers, but not the scalar versions that the demo also showcases. It shouldn’t be hard to use a different shader when running the scalar variants, but I didn’t bother maintaining them in my branches because they’re only there for illustration anyway.

So, we always use the tiled layout (but we did that throughout the test run before too, since I don’t enable depth buffer visualization in it!) and we get rid of the alternative paths completely. Does it help?

Change: Remove support for linear depth buffer layout.

Version min 25th med 75th max mean sdev
Initial 3.367 3.420 3.432 3.445 3.512 3.433 0.021
Always tiled depth 3.357 3.416 3.428 3.443 3.486 3.429 0.021

We get a lower value for the depth tests, but that doesn’t necessarily mean much, because it’s still within a little more than a standard deviation of the previous measurements. And the difference in depth test performance is easily within a standard deviation too. So there’s no appreciable difference from this change by itself; turns out that modern x86s are pretty good at dealing with branches that always go the same way. It did simplify the code, though, which will make further optimizations easier. Progress.

Step 2: Try to do a little less work

Let me show you the whole inner loop (with some cosmetic changes so it fits in the layout, damn those overlong Intel SSE intrinsics) so you can see what I’m talking about:

for(int c = startXx; c < endXx;
        c += 2,
        idx += 4,
        alpha = _mm_add_epi32(alpha, aa0Inc),
        beta  = _mm_add_epi32(beta, aa1Inc),
        gama  = _mm_add_epi32(gama, aa2Inc))
    // Test Pixel inside triangle
    __m128i mask = _mm_cmplt_epi32(fxptZero, 
        _mm_or_si128(_mm_or_si128(alpha, beta), gama));
    // Early out if all of this quad's pixels are
    // outside the triangle.
    if(_mm_test_all_zeros(mask, mask))
    // Compute barycentric-interpolated depth
    __m128 betaf = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(beta);
    __m128 gamaf = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(gama);
    __m128 depth = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(alpha), zz[0]);
    depth = _mm_add_ps(depth, _mm_mul_ps(betaf, zz[1]));
    depth = _mm_add_ps(depth, _mm_mul_ps(gamaf, zz[2]));

    __m128 previousDepthValue = *(__m128*)&pDepthBuffer[idx];

    __m128 depthMask = _mm_cmpge_ps(depth, previousDepthValue);
    __m128i finalMask = _mm_and_si128(mask,

    depth = _mm_blendv_ps(previousDepthValue, depth,
    _mm_store_ps(&pDepthBuffer[idx], depth);

As I said last time, we expect at least 50% of the pixels inside an average triangle’s bounding box to be outside the triangle. This loop neatly splits into two halves: The first half is until the early-out tests, and simply steps the edge equations and tests whether any pixels within the current 2×2 pixel block (quad) are inside the triangle. The second half then performs barycentric interpolation and the depth buffer update.

Let’s start with the top half. At first glance, there doesn’t appear to be much we can do about the amount of work we do, at least with regards to the SSE operations: we need to step the edge equations (inside the for statement). The code already does the OR trick to only do one comparison. And we use a single test (which compiles into the PTEST instruction) to check whether we can skip the quad. Not much we can do here, or is there?

Well, turns out there’s one thing: we can get rid of the compare. Remember that for two’s complement integers, compares of the type x < 0 or x >= 0 can be performed by just looking at the sign bit. Unfortunately, the test here is of the form x > 0, which isn’t as easy – couldn’t it be >= 0 instead?

Turns out: it could. Because our x is only ever 0 when all three edge functions are 0 – that is, the current pixel lies right on all three edges at the same time. And the only way that can ever happen is for the triangle to be degenerate (zero-area). But we never rasterize zero-area triangles – they get culled before we ever reach this loop! So the case x == 0 can never actually happen, which means it makes no difference whether we write x >= 0 or x > 0. And the condition x >= 0, we can implement by simply checking whether the sign bit is zero. Whew! Okay, so we get:

__m128i mask = _mm_or_si128(_mm_or_si128(alpha, beta), gama));

Now, how do we test the sign bit without using an extra instruction? Well, it turns out that the instruction we use to determine whether we should early-out is PTEST, which already performs a binary AND. And it also turns out that the check we need (“are the sign bits set for all four lanes?”) can be implemented using the very same instruction:

if(_mm_testc_si128(_mm_set1_epi32(0x80000000), mask))

Note that the semantics of mask have changed, though: before, each SIMD lane held either the value 0 (“point outside triangle”) or -1 (“point inside triangle). Now, it either holds a nonnegative value (sign bit 0, “point inside triangle”) or a negative one (sign bit 1, “point outside triangle”). The instructions that end up using this value only care about the sign bit, but still, we ended up exactly flipping which one indicates “inside” and which one means “outside”. Lucky for us, that’s easily remedied in the computation of finalMask, still only by changing ops without adding any:

__m128i finalMask = _mm_andnot_si128(mask,

We simply use andnot instead of and. Okay, I admit that was a bit of trouble to get rid of a single instruction, but this is a tight inner loop that’s not being slowed down by memory effects or other micro-architectural issues. In short, this is one of the (nowadays rare) places where that kind of stuff actually matters. So, did it help?

Change: Get rid of compare.

Version min 25th med 75th max mean sdev
Initial 3.367 3.420 3.432 3.445 3.512 3.433 0.021
Always tiled depth 3.357 3.416 3.428 3.443 3.486 3.429 0.021
One compare less 3.250 3.296 3.307 3.324 3.434 3.313 0.025

Yes indeed: render time is down by 0.1ms – about 4 standard deviations, a significant win (and yes, this is repeatable). To be fair, as we’ve already seen in previous post: this is unlikely to be solely attributable to removing a single instruction. Even if we remove (or change) just one intrinsic in the source code, this can have ripple effects on register allocation and scheduling that together make a larger difference. And just as importantly, sometimes changing the code in any way at all will cause the compiler to accidentally generate a code placement that performs better at run time. So it would be foolish to take all the credit – but still, it sure is nice when this kind of thing happens.

Step 2b: Squeeze it some more

Next, we look at the second half of the loop, after the early-out. This half is easier to find worthwhile targets in. Currently, we perform full barycentric interpolation to get the per-pixel depth value:

z = \alpha z_0 + \beta z_1 + \gamma z_2

Now, as I mentioned at the end of “The barycentric conspiracy”, we can use the alternative form

z = z_0 + \beta (z_1 - z_0) + \gamma (z_2 - z_0)

when the barycentric coordinates are normalized, or more generally

\displaystyle z = z_0 + \beta \left(\frac{z_1 - z_0}{\alpha + \beta + \gamma}\right) + \gamma \left(\frac{z_2 - z_0}{\alpha + \beta + \gamma}\right)

when they’re not. And since the terms in parentheses are constants, we can compute them once, and get rid of a int-to-float conversion and a multiply in the inner loop – two less instructions for a bit of extra setup work once per triangle. Namely, our per-triangle setup computation goes from

__m128 oneOverArea = _mm_set1_ps(oneOverTriArea.m128_f32[lane]);
zz[0] *= oneOverArea;
zz[1] *= oneOverArea;
zz[2] *= oneOverArea;


__m128 oneOverArea = _mm_set1_ps(oneOverTriArea.m128_f32[lane]);
zz[1] = (zz[1] - zz[0]) * oneOverArea;
zz[2] = (zz[2] - zz[0]) * oneOverArea;

and our per-pixel interpolation goes from

__m128 depth = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(alpha), zz[0]);
depth = _mm_add_ps(depth, _mm_mul_ps(betaf, zz[1]));
depth = _mm_add_ps(depth, _mm_mul_ps(gamaf, zz[2]));


__m128 depth = zz[0];
depth = _mm_add_ps(depth, _mm_mul_ps(betaf, zz[1]));
depth = _mm_add_ps(depth, _mm_mul_ps(gamaf, zz[2]));

And what do our timings say?

Change: Alternative interpolation formula

Version min 25th med 75th max mean sdev
Initial 3.367 3.420 3.432 3.445 3.512 3.433 0.021
Always tiled depth 3.357 3.416 3.428 3.443 3.486 3.429 0.021
One compare less 3.250 3.296 3.307 3.324 3.434 3.313 0.025
Simplify interp. 3.195 3.251 3.265 3.276 3.332 3.264 0.024

Render time is down by about another 0.05ms, and the whole distribution has shifted down by roughly that amount (without increasing variance), so this seems likely to be an actual win.

Finally, there’s another place where we can make a difference by better instruction selection. Our current depth buffer update code looks as follows:

    __m128 previousDepthValue = *(__m128*)&pDepthBuffer[idx];

    __m128 depthMask = _mm_cmpge_ps(depth, previousDepthValue);
    __m128i finalMask = _mm_andnot_si128(mask,

    depth = _mm_blendv_ps(previousDepthValue, depth,

finalMask here is a mask that encodes “pixel lies inside the triangle AND has a larger depth value than the previous pixel at that location”. The blend instruction then selects the new interpolated depth value for the lanes where finalMask has the sign bit (MSB) set, and the previous depth value elsewhere. But we can do slightly better, because SSE provides MAXPS, which directly computes the maximum of two floating-point numbers. Using max, we can rewrite this expression to read:

    __m128 previousDepthValue = *(__m128*)&pDepthBuffer[idx];
    __m128 mergedDepth = _mm_max_ps(depth, previousDepthValue);
    depth = _mm_blendv_ps(mergedDepth, previousDepthValue,

This is a slightly different way to phrase the solution – “pick whichever is largest of the previous and the interpolated depth value, and use that as new depth if this pixel is inside the triangle, or stick with the old depth otherwise” – but it’s equivalent, and we lose yet another instruction. And just as important on the notoriously register-starved 32-bit x86, it also needs one less temporary register.

Let’s check whether it helps!

Change: Alternative depth update formula

Version min 25th med 75th max mean sdev
Initial 3.367 3.420 3.432 3.445 3.512 3.433 0.021
Always tiled depth 3.357 3.416 3.428 3.443 3.486 3.429 0.021
One compare less 3.250 3.296 3.307 3.324 3.434 3.313 0.025
Simplify interp. 3.195 3.251 3.265 3.276 3.332 3.264 0.024
Revise depth update 3.152 3.182 3.196 3.208 3.316 3.198 0.025

It does appear to shave off another 0.05ms, bringing the total savings due to our instruction-shaving up to about 0.2ms – about a 6% reduction in running time so far. Considering that we started out with code that was already SIMDified and fairly optimized to start with, that’s not a bad haul at all. But we seem to have exhausted the obvious targets. Does that mean that this is as fast as it’s going to go?

Step 3: Show the outer loops some love

Of course not. This is actually a common mistake people make during optimization sessions: focusing on the innermost loops to the exclusion of everything else. Just because a loop is at the innermost nesting level doesn’t necessarily mean it’s more important than everything else. A profiler can help you figure out how often code actually runs, but in our case, I’ve already mentioned several times that we’re dealing with lots of small triangles. This means that we may well run through our innermost loop only once or twice per row of 2×2 blocks! And for a lot of triangles, we’ll only do one or two of such rows too. Which means we should definitely also pay attention to the work we do per block row and per triangle.

So let’s look at our row loop:

for(int r = startYy; r < endYy;
        r += 2,
        row  = _mm_add_epi32(row, _mm_set1_epi32(2)),
        rowIdx = rowIdx + 2 * SCREENW,
        bb0Row = _mm_add_epi32(bb0Row, bb0Inc),
        bb1Row = _mm_add_epi32(bb1Row, bb1Inc),
        bb2Row = _mm_add_epi32(bb2Row, bb2Inc))
    // Compute barycentric coordinates 
    int idx = rowIdx;
    __m128i alpha = _mm_add_epi32(aa0Col, bb0Row);
    __m128i beta = _mm_add_epi32(aa1Col, bb1Row);
    __m128i gama = _mm_add_epi32(aa2Col, bb2Row);

    // <Column loop here>

Okay, we don’t even need to get fancy here – there’s two things that immediately come to mind. First, we seem to be updating row even though nobody in this loop (or the inner loop) uses it. That’s not a performance problem – standard dataflow analysis techniques in compilers are smart enough to figure this kind of stuff out and just eliminate the computation – but it’s still unnecessary code that we can just remove, so we should. Second, we add the initial column terms of the edge equations (aa0Col, aa1Col, aa2Col) to the row terms (bb0Row etc.) every line. There’s no need to do that – the initial column terms don’t change during the row loop, so we can just do these additions once per triangle!

So before the loop, we add:

    __m128i sum0Row = _mm_add_epi32(aa0Col, bb0Row);
    __m128i sum1Row = _mm_add_epi32(aa1Col, bb1Row);
    __m128i sum2Row = _mm_add_epi32(aa2Col, bb2Row);

and then we change the row loop itself to read:

for(int r = startYy; r < endYy;
        r += 2,
        rowIdx = rowIdx + 2 * SCREENW,
        sum0Row = _mm_add_epi32(sum0Row, bb0Inc),
        sum1Row = _mm_add_epi32(sum1Row, bb1Inc),
        sum2Row = _mm_add_epi32(sum2Row, bb2Inc))
    // Compute barycentric coordinates 
    int idx = rowIdx;
    __m128i alpha = sum0Row;
    __m128i beta = sum1Row;
    __m128i gama = sum2Row;

    // <Column loop here>

That’s probably the most straightforward of all the changes we’ve seen so far. But still, it’s in an outer loop, so we wouldn’t expect to get as much out of this as if we had saved the equivalent amount of work in the inner loop. Any guesses for how much it actually helps?

Change: Straightforward tweaks to the outer loop

Version min 25th med 75th max mean sdev
Initial 3.367 3.420 3.432 3.445 3.512 3.433 0.021
Always tiled depth 3.357 3.416 3.428 3.443 3.486 3.429 0.021
One compare less 3.250 3.296 3.307 3.324 3.434 3.313 0.025
Simplify interp. 3.195 3.251 3.265 3.276 3.332 3.264 0.024
Revise depth update 3.152 3.182 3.196 3.208 3.316 3.198 0.025
Tweak row loop 3.020 3.081 3.095 3.106 3.149 3.093 0.020

I bet you didn’t expect that one. I think I’ve made my point.

UPDATE: An earlier version had what turned out to be an outlier measurement here (mean of exactly 3ms). Every 10 runs or so, I get a run that is a bit faster than usual; I haven’t found out why yet, but I’ve updated the list above to show a more typical measurement. It’s still a solid win, just not as big as initially posted.

And with the mean run time of our depth buffer rasterizer down by about 10% from the start, I think this should be enough for one post. As usual, I’ve updated the head of the blog branch on Github to include today’s changes, if you’re interested. Next time, we’ll look a bit more at the outer loops and whip out VTune again for a surprise discovery! (Well, surprising for you anyway.)

By the way, this is one of these code-heavy play-by-play posts. With my regular articles, I’m fairly confident that the format works as a vehicle for communicating ideas, but this here is more like an elaborate case study. I know that I have fun writing in this format, but I’m not so sure if it actually succeeds at delivering valuable information, or if it just turns into a parade of super-specialized tricks that don’t seem to generalize in any useful way. I’d appreciate some input before I start knocking out more posts like this :). Anyway, thanks for reading, and until next time!

From → Coding

  1. Regarding your question in the last paragraph: I like this style very much of showing code and actual numbers in addition to pictures and formulas. However, those have their downsides if they are so hard to compare.

    For example, the changed code snippets could be a coloured diff, maybe even a side-by-side diff, to make the changes easier to spot without having to scroll up and down. Also, the timings could have been shown as diff, or even better: as a table growing left to right (or top to bottom).

    • Good point with the table; I’ll reformat the article tonight.

      Side-by-side diffs are not going to happen with the current layout since it’s all fairly cramped anyway :) But I’ll see if I can highlight the changes better. Thanks for the suggestions!

  2. This article (and all the previous ones) is incredibly well executed (complete source code on github, timings, code snippets…). Besides it’s a lot of fun to read this stuff. Especially because some time ago I wrote a few depth only rasterizers as a side project.

    I played a bit with inner loop on a i7-860, VS2010, x86. Sadly only a bit – time is sparse with a kid around. Some findings:

    Initial render time: ~4.332ms

    1. After unrolling inner loop once: ~4.305ms

    2. After prev step and removing early out: ~4.036ms
    Looks like early out is too fine grained, at least for my CPU. It could also indicate that hierarchical rasterizer nerveless was a good idea.

    3. After prev steps and using depthDeltaC for depth interpolation in inner loop: ~3.923ms
    Specifically something like this:

    for ( r ) {
        depth = zz[ 0 ] + beta * zz[ 1 ] +  gama * zz[ 2 ];
        for ( c ) {
            depth += depthDeltaC;

    Tried also to introduce depthDeltaR, but it looks like it was slower due to register pressure.

    • Thanks!

      Yep, we’re gonna see some of the changes you mention later. :) Spoiler alert!

  3. I like the format of this post. Even though it may be a parade of super-specialized tricks, it teaches a way of thinking about problems which is more broadly useful. A post about problem solving needs a problem to solve.

  4. I am really enjoying this series of posts. It’s hard to find information on optimization techniques and seeing them in practice and how each change affects performance is great.

  5. This blog format works. Keep them coming! They’re not just excellent, but also allows to swallow everything in pieces, instead of choking with everything in one go that nobody would read.


  6. Is there any cache stalls where we fetch 4 pixels from zbuffer and then write back to it ?
    Can’t we do something about it like using _mm_stream_ps on write in order to skip cache sync ?

    Thanks for the great posts.

    • No, there are not.

      Using streaming stores for this code is a terrible idea. The only reason it runs as fast as it does is because it’s designed to keep the hot data (the depth buffer) in the cache. Remember that depth buffer data is both read and written frequently in this code. Bypassing the cache makes it massively slower, not faster.

  7. As far as i know, in order to do perspective correct interpolation of Z, one should interpolate 1/Z in screen space. Why are we interpolate Z instead?

    • I generally stick with the conventions of my “A trip through the Graphics Pipeline” series (this post is relevant, “Interpolated values” in particular) as far as notation goes.

      In that notation, the per-vertex values are lower case (x, y, z, w) whereas the post-projection, post-viewport (i.e. screen space) values are upper case (X, Y, Z). x, y, z, w are in homogeneous clip space; X, Y and Z are affine functions of x/w, y/w and z/w respectively.

      When I write Z-buffer, I do mean Z-buffer and not z-buffer or w-buffer; what is stored are Z values and not clip-space w values (which correspond to view-space z with the standard projection setup).

      Z=z/w for a rasterized triangle is an affine function in screen space; z (or w, in the homogeneous setting) are not, and reconstructing them would indeed require perspective correct interpolation (which is performed by interpolating (1/w) then computing w=1/interp(1/w) per pixel).

      This is not some quirky usage of terms, by the way, nor is it a hack; what I just described is exactly what GL, GL ES and D3D do for depth buffering too. GPUs normally use Z not w for depth buffering precisely because it is an affine function in screen space and does not require perspective correction; this is convenient because it means computing it during rasterization does not require any reciprocals (nor even multiplies, depending on the implementation); a very important optimization in the 80s and 90s, somewhat less so today (since compute power has gotten a lot cheaper).

      The usage of Z (=z/w) for Z-buffers also is the reason why depth resolution in Z-buffers is non-uniform (i.e. why there’s more precision in the vicinity of the near plane), and why it’s possible to move the far clip plane to infinity with a finite bit depth Z-buffer.

      See also Humus’ Notes on Z (what he denotes as Z matches what I denote as Z, but his W corresponds to my w, so careful).

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  1. Depth buffers done quick, part 2 « The ryg blog
  2. Optimizing Software Occlusion Culling – index « The ryg blog
  3. The care and feeding of worker threads, part 1 « The ryg blog

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