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From the archives: “Alias Huffman coding.”

December 9, 2014

This is precisely what the last post was about. So nothing new. This is just my original mail on the topic with some more details that might be interesting and/or amusing to a few people. :)

Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2014 16:43:36 -0800
From: Fabian Giesen
Subject: Alias Huffman coding.

Huffman <= ANS (strict subset)
(namely, power-of-2 frequencies)

We can take any discrete probability distribution of N events and use the Alias method to construct a O(N)-entry table that allows us to sample from that distribution in O(1) time.

We can apply that same technique to e.g. rANS coding to map from (x mod M) to “what symbol is x”. We already have that.

Ergo, we can construct a Huffman-esque coder that can decode symbols using a single table lookup, where the table size only depends on N_sym and not the code lengths. (And the time to build said table given the code lengths is linear in N_sym too).

Unlike regular/canonical Huffman codes, these can have multiple unconnected ranges for the same symbol, so you still need to deal with the range remapping (the “slot_adjust” thing) you have in Alias table ANS; basically, the only difference ends up being that you have a shift instead of a multiply by the frequency.

But there’s still some advantages in that a few things simplify; for example, there’s no need (or advantage) to using a L that’s larger than M. An obvious candidate is choosing L=M=B so that your Huffman codes are length-limited to half your word size and you never do IO in smaller chunks than that.

Okay. So where does that get us? Well, something like the MSB alias rANS decoder, with a shift instead of a multiply, really:

   // decoder state
   // suppose max_code_len = 16
   U32 x;
   U16 const * input_ptr;

   U32 const m = (1 << max_code_len) - 1;
   U32 const bucket_shift = max_code_len - log2_nbuckets;

   // decode:
   U32 xm = x & m;
   U32 xm_shifted = xm >> bucket_shift;
   U32 bucket = xm_shifted * 2;
   if (xm < hufftab_divider[xm_shifted])

   x = (x & ~m) >> hufftab_shift[bucket];
   x += xm - hufftab_adjust[bucket];

   if (x < (1<<16))
     x = (x << 16) | *input_ptr++;

   return hufftab_symbol[bucket];

So with a hypothetical compiler that can figure out the adc-for-bucket
thing, we’d get something like

   ; x in eax, input_ptr in esi
   movzx    edx, ax     ; x & m (for bucket id)
   shr      edx, 8      ; edx = xm_shifted
   movzx    ebx, ax     ; ebx = xm
   cmp      ax, [hufftab_divider + edx*2]
   adc      edx, edx    ; edx = bucket
   xor      eax, ebx    ; eax = x & ~m
   mov      cl, [hufftab_shift + edx]
   shr      eax, cl
   movzx    ecx, word [hufftab_adjust + edx*2]
   add      eax, ebx    ; x += xm
   movzx    edx, byte [hufftab_symbol + edx] ; symbol
   sub      eax, ecx    ; x -= adjust[bucket]
   cmp      eax, (1<<16)
   jae      done
   shl      eax, 16
   movzx    ecx, word [esi]
   add      esi, 2
   or       eax, ecx

   ; new x in eax, new input_ptr in esi
   ; symbol in edx

which is actually pretty damn nice considering that’s both Huffman decode and bit buffer rolled into one. Especially so since it handles all cases – there’s no extra conditions and no cases (rare though they might be) where you have to grab more bits and look into another table. Bonus points because it has an obvious variant that’s completely branch-free:

   ; same as before up until...
   sub      eax, ecx    ; x -= adjust[bucket]
   movzx    ecx, word [esi]
   mov      ebx, eax
   shl      ebx, 16
   or       ebx, ecx
   lea      edi, [esi+2]
   cmp      eax, (1<<16)
   cmovb    eax, ebx
   cmovb    esi, edi

Okay, all that’s nice and everything, but for x86 it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. I have a punch line though: the same thing works on PPC – the adc thing and “sbb reg, reg” both have equivalents, so you can do branch-free computation based on some carry flag easily.

BUT, couple subtle points:

  1. this thing has a bunch of (x & foo) >> bar (left-shift or right-shift) kind of things, which map really really well to PPC because there’s rlwinm / rlwimi.
  2. The in-order PPCs hate variable shifts (something like 12+ cycles microcoded). Well, guess what, everything we multiply with is a small per-symbol constant, so we can just store (1 << len) per symbol and use mullw. That’s 9 cycles non-pipelined (and causes a stall after issue), but still, better than the microcode. But… wait a second.

    If this ends up faster than your usual Huffman, and there’s a decent chance that it might (branch-free and all), the fastest “Huffman” decoder on in-order PPC would, in fact, be a full-blown arithmetic decoder. Which amuses me no end.

   # NOTE: LSB of "bucket" complemented compared to x86

   # r3 = x, r4 = input ptr
   # r20 = &tab_divider[0]
   # r21 = &tab_symbol[0]
   # r22 = &tab_mult[0]
   # r23 = &tab_adjust[0]

   rlwinm    r5, r3, 24, 23, 30   # r5 = (xm >> bucket_shift) * 2
   rlwinm    r6, r3, 0, 16, 31    # r6 = xm
   lhzx      r7, r20, r5          # r7 = tab_divider[xm_shifted]
   srwi      r8, r3, 16           # r8 = x >> log2(m)
   subfc     r9, r7, r6           # (r9 ignored but sets carry)
   lhz       r10, 0(r4)           # *input_ptr
   addze     r5, r5               # r5 = bucket
   lbzx      r9, r21, r5          # r9 = symbol
   add       r5, r5, r5           # r5 = bucket word offs
   lhzx      r7, r22, r5          # r7 = mult
   li        r6, 0x10000          # r6 = op for sub later
   lhzx      r5, r23, r5          # r5 = adjust
   mullw     r7, r7, r8           # r7 = mult * (x >> m)
   subf      r5, r5, r6           # r5 = xm - tab_adjust[bucket]
   add       r5, r5, r7           # r5 = new x
   subfc     r6, r6, r5           # sets carry iff (x >= (1<<16))
   rlwimi    r10, r5, 16, 0, 16   # r10 = (x << 16) | *input_ptr
   subfe     r6, r6, r6           # ~0 if (x < (1<<16)), 0 otherwise
   slwi      r7, r6, 1            # -2 if (x < (1<<16)), 0 otherwise
   and       r10, r10, r6
   andc      r5, r5, r6
   subf      r4, r7, r4           # input_ptr++ if (x < (1<<16))
   or        r5, r5, r10          # new x

That should be a complete alias rANS decoder assuming M=L=b=216.


From → Coding, Compression

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